7/28/04  Bonavista Harbor, Bonavista Bay, NF      <Bonavista Images>

Went from La Scie to Lewisporte via Notre Dame Bay and Bay of Exploits.

There is a nice marina in Lewisporte and a lot of boating activity centered around the beautiful, island filled and calm waters of the Bay of Exploits.  In one 24 hour stop, I took on 600 liters of diesel, several hundred liters of water, did 4 loads of laundry (I had dipped into the reserve week clothing bag), changed the oil on the genset (100 hours use so far this trip), took two showers, used the cash machine, and had Chinese take out (not so good).

Yesterday after leaving Lewisporte, we cruised up Dildo Run, out around Change Island (my boat was too tall to use the Change Island Tickle) and out to Fogo Harbor on Fogo Island.  Not much there except a very much operational fish plant. 

Today came outside Fogo Island, and hit sloppy head seas and winds, so hugged the shore around Cape Freels into Bonavista Bay.  A large whale (one of the majors - probably a Fin Whale - they are 60-75 ft) did a big roll and stuck its tail in the air about 500 yards in front of the boat off Cape Freels.  Long (and pretty) trip around Bonavista Bay (could not cross straight because of the wind/waves but I wanted to tour the west side archipelago anyway).

Stay here tomorrow to re-provision and recharge.

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